Friday, October 8, 2010

Youtube: BUS UNCLE

1a) How many viewers are estimated to have watched the Youtube video?

Since Youtube is very popular in Hong Kong, most of the computer users in Hong Kong are estimated to have watched the video. By the influence of mass media and millions of individual bloggers, after it released, it was spread across the city and even the other countries. Everyone around the world can access to it and make comments on it. It turns out to be the 'inspiration' for people who do parodies or funny pictures based on the original source. Instead of doing a remake, some choose to make reflection on the behavior of the two 'victims' in the video. It's unbelievable becoming such a big hit on internet where people all pop in to watch the video of two ordinary people quarreling with eachother which is not much a big deal that we see situations like this happens all the time.

1b) How would you rate the video? Is it of high quality in technical terms? Is it interesting aesthetically eg. camera angles, use of light, the narrative, and so on?

It's supposed to be a raw videotape by a hidden camera that there's no artistic quality in it. However we can  tell there are some special effects even it's not much of an artistic piece with decorative settings nor use of visual effect. After the material was edited on the second stage of processing, it resembles a film with subtitles and black frames on the edge of the screen. Therefore, the guy and 'bus uncle' in the video become the main characters. With the magic of digital editing the video was turned into a dramatic piece!

1c) Do you think it deserved the attention that it received from the internet community?

Yes, i think so! It looks silly and unworthy to pay much attention to the video. It is not an art film but just an video of an old man getting mad with a guy. Period. However in fact the impact it causes is unexpectedly huge not because its ridiculousness but because its consequences which arouse discussions on the behavior of the people. The viewers can reflect on themselves through the offensive behavior of Bus Uncle. That's the value of sharing videos on YouTube!

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